Love God, Love People, Live Creatively.

Hi There!

I am so glad you are here…

Hello and welcome! I am a native Houstonian whose family roots go way back to when trains still served as transportation for folks here in H-town! I left the South for a little while to go to school, but I found my way back because I missed the smiling faces down here in Texas. Apparently, I am a Southern girl after all...

I first fell in love with God in a small United Methodist church in Hempstead, Texas listening to the children's sermons. Since that time my faith has taken many twists and turns. I have asked all types of hard questions, been to quite a few different kinds of churches, and I even nearly walked away from my faith during my junior year in college. I understand that faith is sometimes the only thing that keeps us going, and sometimes it is also the thing that just does not make any sense. My life and my relationship with God ultimately changed when I encountered my first spiritual director in seminary who helped me to realize that … no matter what … God would always love me. It sounds simple, but I think it is actually the hardest truth to accept in the whole world. And that is why I became a spiritual director, because I want YOU to know that God loves you … no matter what. I actually think that if we could all believe this truth our world would completely change. You might not believe me today and that is ok, but I hope you will come and talk to me about it, because that is why I am here. 

I completed my Master’s in Spiritual Direction from Houston Graduate School of Theology in 2016. Since that time, I have worked with clients from a variety of backgrounds. My specific area of interests are spiritual deconstruction/reconstruction, the intersectionality of faith traditions, spiritual disciplines, and restorative theology. I am currently working at a great PR and Marketing Agency, Like Minds Communications as a PR Executive. Prior to becoming a mom, I served as a Hospice Chaplain for Silverado Hospice, Executive Director for Brigid’s Place, and the Director of Interfaith Relations for Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston. I also hold a B.A. in Religion from The Colorado College and M.A. in Urban Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Currently, I reside in West Houston with my wonderful husband Randy and beautiful daughter Vivian Rose.

Favorite Quotes


“Only speak words that make souls stronger.”

— Ann Voskamp

“Friendship has always belonged to the core of my spiritual journey.”

— Henri Nouwen